I’d like to be able to whitelist notifications in home assistant based on land line Caller ID information. Does anyone still have a land line?
No bridge, (and honestly as traditional land lines continue to evaporate in residential, I don’t expect one)
The last two voip services I’ve used had ways to pull the caller ID info, one of them (i think it was Vonage) also had an IFTTT integration.
Im currently using UniFi Talk and im pretty sure I can get the incoming call info from an event on the system and send it to HA via webook. (talk Integration please, UniFi?)
So yeah still have a landline - but VOIP , not POTS so I have plenty of other options as to where to grab the info.
Wow, yes old school. If you are talking POTS rather than VOIP, a long time ago, before I yanked the POTS line, I used a device similar to the one linked below. I had a custom python script monitoring the serial output of the device. That said, some of the MQTT bridge/monitoring software on Github might have the ability to monitor a serial port and create a MQTT message from a device like this. Still not an off the shelf solution, but might give you some ideas.
Good hunting!
AD102 CTI USB Caller ID Interface Support second time developing with free SDK(Vc, Vb,Vf, C#)
I’ve seen a couple home brew decoder boards based on the HT9032D chip out there. I think I can make it myself now.
Yes, the device I cited has become a bit spendy, I think I paid under USD 5 with shipping back in the ‘good old days’ of aliexpress . That said, a home build based on the chip you cite will probably be half way to current cost of device (unless you have good deep parts drawers
)and you still have software to do…
Good hunting!