Has the Iotawattpy project been abandoned?

Does anyone on here no anything about the state of the iotawattpy project? It seems it hasn’t been updated in several months. For the most part it works well but I have a pull request for a small issue that would be nice to see fixed.

yeah, it seems, I have followed up: need help? · Issue #18 · gtdiehl/iotawattpy · GitHub

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So what happens here at HA when an integration is abandoned? Does someone fork it and then use that as the supported integration going forward? I’m considering the purchase of IoTaWatt, though if the integration is unsupported, I have little choice but to refrain. Since I’m running RPi 4 64b, the Emporia Vue 2 hack won’t work for my platform, I’m not sure how to then proceed with monitoring my solar array, circuits, and smart plugs. I’m already monitoring my Juicebox EV charger and a number of lights/components with powercalc, so IoTaW appear to be the optimal choice if the integration is maintained.

Yes exactly. We have forked the library here: GitHub - home-assistant-libs/iotawattpy: Python library for IoTaWatt electricity monitor devices
Then we submitted a request have the ownership transferred on PyPI, which is taking a very long time: PEP 541 Request: iotawattpy · Issue #2583 · pypi/support · GitHub
I love my IotaWatt, it’s a great device. Unfortunately the HA maintainers are not very accommodating to improving the code here, so I’m going to fork the component and publish to HACS.