HASS 0.43.1 reverted to 0.43.0 on PI reboot

Rebooted my 0.43.1 build of HASS via the terminal using sudo reboot. Upon reboot, HASS had reverted to 0.43.0 and all my work since then had been lost. Seems to be a pretty big bug if this is repeatable. I had backed up my .yaml’s a day or two ago but still lost about a 100 lines.

It could be that your SD Card is rolling over and is in Read-Only mode. That happened to me when I was trying to go from 0.39 to 0.41. Had all my configs right, all the right commands and every restart gets reverted. Might be time for a new SD card…

I personally use @dale3h’s hassctl service on my Rpi, it’s a lot easier to start, stop, restart your home assistant: https://github.com/dale3h/hassctl