HASS Configurator - doesn't work if I start it from HA Sidebar

Recently I have added the HASS Configurator to my Hass.io. I followed the “Configure Home Assistant” description and if I start the the Configurator in a separate tab in my Chrome browser it will work correctly. I added the Configurator to the main Home Assistant sidebar too (according to the same description). After restart it appeared in the sidebar, but when I click on it, it will open in the right side, but there is nothing in window.

What I am doing wrong?

A common reason for this is when you use https for Home Assistant but not for the configurator. By design browsers only embed resources that use the same protocol. So you either have to use https in both cases or plain http.

Thank you for your reply. I think this is the issue. How can I change the HA to http or the configurator to https. Right now if I just change in configuration.yaml the configurator IP address to https://192.168.XXX.XXX in HA i get an “invalid response” error when I click the Configurator in the sidebar.

I solved it in the meantime. I changed HASS Configurator to https.
Thank you for your support.

I’m having this problem. Not only will Configurator not open from sidebar, neither will NodeRed or Influxdb. Only ESPHome consistently opens from the sidebar. I’ve tried to change the http to https, but that didn’t make the difference. All these add-ins used to work, now only ESPHome is working

Hi danielperna84! I have the same issue now. In the meantime I re-installed my HA, now it is running on hassbian. For some reason I couldn’t install Let’sencrypt so I am running my home assistant as “http”. I have changed in configuration.yaml the IP address for Configurator to be “http://192.168.XXX.XXX”, but I cannot access it. I cannot access it even if I type my HA IP address with port “http://192.168.XXX.XXX:3218”. What could be the problem?

You have to use the URL that works when accessing it directly in the browser. And embedding it into HASS only works if HASS also only is using http. It’s technically not possible to mix http and https in this context.

Hi! As I wrote before I use my home assistant as “http”. I can reach it by any means: duckdns, hassbian.local or http://192.168.XXX.XXX:8123.

On the other hand I cannot reach my Configurator by any means, either if I try “http” or “https”.

What should I try next?

Post the log (of the Configurator). :+1:

Where can I find the Configurator log?

That depends on how you have installed it / how you are daemonizing it.

As I mentioned before I have reinstalled Home Assistant with the Hassbian and not with HASS.IO.
Since then I haven’t installed separately the Configurator. I just found your Github page and I tried to copy “configurator.py” as described there but I am getting access denied error. I am a newbie in Linux, so I don’t know how should I correct this. Do you have by any chance a step-by-step description how to install Configurator under Hassbian?

Then of course you first have to install it before you cann access it.

Installation: click
Daemonizing: click
I recommend using systemd, since that’s the default on Hassbian.

Should I install it using the pip method?

If I run the pip command I get this error:

pi@hassbian:~ $ pip install hass-configurator
-bash: pip: command not found

What do I need to have it installed?

Try pip3 install hass-configurator. If that doesn’t work either, you’ll have to install pip first.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-pip

After that the command should succeed.

OK. It worked with pip3.

Stored in directory: /home/pi/.cache/pip/wheels/3b/4b/1d/b8c1d91c0038085c8a1e20fb8b9699125e854fcbb0ce99110c
Successfully built hass-configurator
Installing collected packages: smmap2, gitdb2, gitpython, pyotp, hass-configurator
Successfully installed gitdb2-2.0.5 gitpython-2.1.11 hass-configurator-0.3.5 pyotp-2.2.7 smmap2-2.0.5

What should be next?

Which values should I change in this template, based on the above information:

Description=Home Assistant

ExecStart=/srv/homeassistant/bin/hass -c "/home/YOUR_USER/.homeassistant"


Sorry, what should I change in this template:

… and how can I copy it to my Hassbian?

You have to adjust the path in the line that starts with ExecStart to use the path to your configurators executable. In the best case you can just put hass-configurator there. The rest is optional and depends on how you want to configure it. The wiki provides some details on configuration.

That being said, I doubt your choice to switch from hassio to hassbian was a good choice. Compared to hassio, hassbian requires some knowledge to set up a stable and secure system. The question how to copy the template to the hassbian system confirms your statement about being a Linux newbie, and you’ll probably run into further issues along your way. So I suggest you revert back to using hassio to get a stable system, and dive into Linux for learning purposes with a temporary Linux VM to build up some basic knowledge. There are a bunch of tutorials on the web to help you get started and which will answer the questions you’d approach if you continue your current hassbian journey. :+1:

Thank you Daniel. I will do so.