HASS Configurator not seeeing same files compared to SSH

I must be missing a fundamental concept here, but when I browse files in HASSIO Configurator, I don’t see the same files as when I SSH to my Rasberry PI (using root with keys if that matters)

With HASS Configurator, if I edit /config/configuration.yaml , then I do see the changes when SSHing into the box.

But if I look at /etc or /etc/ssh/sshd_config for example, they’re not the same files. If I create a folder in /etc , it doesn’t show up. Basically, I can create a “test” folder in /etc in both configurator and by SSHing into the box, and there’s no collision.

So, /config seems to be in sync, /etc is not.

What am I missing here ???

Because you’re inside another container


The concept of docker. Each “application” is it’s own container. /etc in one is not /etc in another. You can’t just edit files like that in different containers. They will be wiped out on next update anyway.

To put it simply, you don’t edit files outside the directories that are shared.

Thanks for the feedback. So, if I read the homepage of the Configurator addon, or if I look at my Configurator addon config, where does it say that it deals with /config only ?

  • enforce_basepath ( Required ): If set to true , access is limited to files within the /config directory.

It doesn’t really indicate that you can edit anything BUT the configuration of home assistant, since that’s literally the purpose of the add-on.

If you understand docker and that every add-on is a different docker container, it makes perfect sense that it is limited to your config.

Well, this is day 2 for me for home assistant and hassio, so I’m green, but still I can’t say that it’s clear.

Plus, I have "enforce_basepath": false So I don’t understand what that parameter does. Why expose the rest of the file system if you can’t edit it…

anyways, thanks !

When you are inside the configurator, you’re essentially inside another computer in the network. Not really but it’s the best way to describe it. When you’re in the SSH add-on, you’re inside ANOTHER computer on your network, and when in the home assistant container, you’re in yet ANOTHER.

Each container running has it’s own “filesystem”. It is it’s own entity. So if you edit /etc in the configurator you are editing the files inside that container only. When you SSH in, you’re in a different container that has it’s own /etc. They aren’t linked.

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and the reason some files are ‘common’ to both is only because that folder is mapped in both containers…


The configurator is not only a hassio addon. There’s a standalone version as well, which can be used to modify files on the regular filesystem. With hassio this doen’t really make any difference. But on a standalone install where people want to prohibit modification of other files it’s used to deny access to those external files. So you can just ignore this option.

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I assumed this was the case, but was not 100% sure.