Hass io not found

Hello, I’m sorry if you already have a topic on this subject, I’m from Brazil and I know very little English and I did not find anything very similar about my case.

I installed Hass.io according to the address https://www.home-assistant.io/hassio/installation/
I installed on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B +, and I used the 32 bit version.

After installing and starting / connecting the Raspberry, with the internet via cable I was having trouble connecting, so I used wifi through a pendrive. But even with the wifi connection I could not access the HA via browser. I tested the IP + port (9123) and tested the hassio.local address and both to no avail.

Attached I am putting the image where my HA stopped.
I wish someone could help me.

The default port is 8123 not 9123.

Print: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VzsbzcFlJIbRD272q6BMdC9EWuqofTuj/view?usp=sharing

What exactly is this supposed to tell us? That it’s working?

Yes, I typed wrong. excuse me. But I tested on port 8123

flamingm0e So, I do not know, now appeared the following lines:
starting version 3.2.5
starting eudev-3.2.5

And do not leave that line. Attempting to ping without IP timeout occurs

I solved. I unplugged the chromecast and other apps and reseted it, it worked now. He was very anxious about it. Thank you all, thank you very much.