Ok so I’we veen scratching my head for a week now and I think I figured out how to get the Razberry2 board to work for real.
You need to do the normal procedure explained in the hass guide but it is missing one key piece of information.
These are the steps:
- Flash your Hass.io image to SD
- This is the part not mentioned in the guide. You need to add the line
To your config.txt file on the SD card
!!! BEFORE YOU BOOT UP Hass.io for the first time !!!
Then boot and add this to your config just as explained in the guide:
usb_path: /dev/ttyAMA0
Notice the first line has no spaces and the second one which has the actual information being set for the zwave component needs to have two spaces first.
I tested this on both a RPi1b and RPi3b+ and it worked for me so I’m pretty confident this is the solution to many peoples problems.