I have Hass.io on RPi 3B with Arduino Mega flashed with the latest RFLink and connected via USB.
I’m trying to configure my SONOFF PIR2, SONOFF DW1 and KERUI open/close/tamper sensors to work properly in HA.
So far I have a good result with the former 2 as they only identified as one switch and the only thing I need to do (apart from defining them as rflink switches) is to add automation that switches them back, otherwise they will stuck in ON position.
My first question is how to check if these sensors send any keep alive messages as per documentation they should. I want to know when my sensors are available (like MQTT availability). And it would be great to know their battery status as well.
However, I can see nothing in home_assistant.log (debug logging for rflink is enabled).
Any thoughts/tips?
Also, what I cannot overcome at the moment is the open/close/tamper door detector.
For some reason rflink component generates events from different names in the same situation, i.e opening the door - it can be either ev1527_087bd6_0e or eurodomest_278429_01, and with close it’s ev1527_087bd6_07 or eurodomest_278429_00.
Well, I defined switches ev1527_087bd6_0e and ev1527_087bd6_07 and added aliases to them.
name: “1st floor window opened detector”
aliases: eurodomest_278429_01
fire_event: false
name: “1st floor window closed detector”
aliases: eurodomest_278429_00
fire_event: false
name: “1st floor window tampered detector”
aliases: eurodomest_278429_04
fire_event: false
Then I created input_boolean and tried to control it by change of state of the two switches above, but it does not work.
name: “1st floor window detector”
initial: off
icon: mdi:door
Here is my code from automation:
- id: 1st_floor_window_opened_detector__adjust_closed
alias: “[int] 1st_floor_window_opened_detector__adjust_closed”
hide_entity: true
platform: state
entity_id: switch.1st_floor_window_opened_detector
to: ‘on’
- service: switch.turn_off
entity_id: switch.1st_floor_window_closed_detector
- service: input_boolean.toggle
entity_id: input_boolean.1st_floor_window_detector
- id: 1st_floor_window_closed_detector__adjust_opened
alias: “[int] 1st_floor_window_closed_detector__adjust_opened”
hide_entity: true
platform: state
entity_id: switch.1st_floor_window_closed_detector
to: ‘on’
action:- service: switch.turn_off
entity_id: switch.1st_floor_window_opened_detector - service: input_boolean.toggle
entity_id: input_boolean.1st_floor_window_detector
- service: switch.turn_off
Any ideas what’s wrong with it?
I know about RFLink’s learning feature, but haven’t tried it yet, thought it is possible to find a way without it…