First, i’m happy to be part of your awesome community!
I have decide to realize my own Smarthome with, i have installed on a raspberry 3B+.
I have a internal network with VLAN thats going to a switch an on this i have untagged portbased the VLAN with DHCP enabled.
With my Macbook and windows Notebook i receive a ipv4 dhcp ip without problems and can navigate on internet.
My Problem: The Pi with dosent seems to get an ip i have tried many things and rebootet many times.
If i connect the ethernet directly to the physical Port (VID1) i get an ip.
Did anyone have already have this issues?
I have also tried to fix the ip from the VLAN on the but dosent find the corresponding network settings.
Hope anyone can help me, now i have connection on my private lan.
Personally I don’t use vlans in my setup but have used them before with if you have a managed switch which it sounds like you have dedicate the ethernet port to a specific vlan. Found that doing this and not passing vlans to the worked.
Yes i have managed switch and i setup the switch port to dedicated (untagged) to this VLAN, it works well with all network devices except the pi.
Now i have connection with my private lan,can i setup the ip manually trough ssh on the ?
I have made the installation fresh today and i use hassio image for raspberry, i have tried to setup ip manually but dosent find the resin file on the boot folder,i think if i have connection now probably i can setup it also trough ssh?
So, i have tested now with my Noob Image with same Pi3B+ an with this i become quickly an ipv4 address on the VLAN Range and internet works as well. So it’s a Configuration issue on the image i think.
Can i configure anything on network interface or it’s read only ? I have also see that on boot he tries to find a ipv6 address as well.
I have a ZyXel Switch and i can set on the VLAN Port to pass : untag only with this i was able to find the Pi and started. Standard Setting is : ALL that works with all other devices and also with Pi and other images but don’t know why not with