Hass.io tab changed layout without my input?

Hello guys!

Just noticed that my Hassio tab has changed layout out of the blue. Dois it happened to any of you? Very strange!

I have not changed anything, this happened by it self, without restart or reboot.

There is nothing here too:

Running version 63.3.

Hassio layout is fed by the supervisor. The supervisor automatically updates and reloads. You can probably control this through the CLI.

The white system tab is a known bug that will be fixed in next aupervisor release. There is already in issue for this opened.


I miss the quick “restart hassio” option. Is that included in the missing “system” content?

Happened to me today. Very frustrating! No fix at the moment? Is there a way to manually fire a restart?

Thanks for your information! I was really scared that something was wrong with my system, like an unknown/unauthorized remote access hahaha

Have a great day!

You can always use the CLI inside ssh addon.

What do you mean by hassio restart?

Hass restart?
Supervisor reload?
Host reboot?

You go on configuration, general an restart. There is also SSH access to do it:

You can track all known issues with the new layout here: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant-polymer/issues/912


The three dots that were in the upper-right in the blue bar. I think it was the first option. To restart HASS.

The configuration option that @Schneider pointed out will do the trick. A couple less clicks than calling the service.

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The configuration option used to be broken for hass restart when using hassio. That was fixed so now the option under three dots didn’t make sense and it only added confusion.

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Is there an option to use the old style panel, this is very pretty but not as nice to use?

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