i’m running Hassio on Docker on an Intel NUC, so far it was working great and i had HA version 0.85.x
Lately i saw a notification saying a new version was ready, i waited for some time before installing. When i clicked install, it was version 0.87.1. Update worked well.
A few days ago i checked in the dev-info panel, and saw that HA was in version 0.88.0b1.
A few days later, it was 0.88.0b2.
I don’t quite understand what’s happening, since Hassio is not supposed to automatically update HA.
I’m running Hassio supervisor version 143.
Any idea what could have triggered this, or why Supervisor is not using the correct version of HA ?
Don’t know what is going on with it, but if your hassio updated from 0.85.x to 0.88.0b2 without issues and you only notice it in dev-info panel, you’re a lucky guy.
I am using Ouroboros (watchtower replacement), and found out indeed that it was incorrectly setup, and was updating homeassistant container.
I managed to change this setup to avoid more updates, but struggled a bit to get hassio supervisor to revert back to a stable version.
In the end i had to remove the homeassistant container, along with its images, and restart hassio supervisor, which successfully reinstalled the correct docker image.