HASSIO Addon config.json version number latest vs. concrete version


currently a new HASSIO Addon for the project evcc (EV Charge Controller) is being developed and already released:

In the config.json as version number “latest” is used, which was supposed to always link to the latest version of the original pulled docker image.

Problem is, that in HASS it shows “latest” as well, instead of the “real” version number from the inherted project, which at the moment is 0.34.

Is there any way to fix that without having to maintain it really separate in the config.json?

Author here.

The plugin which bundles the application for Hassio is published once and uses latest tag. Application itself receives regular, tagged, multi-arch updates (https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/andig/evcc).

Expectation was that Hassio identifies latest has changed and upgrades. Is that correct?


Would nobody know how the add-on version tag is supposed to work?

Is nobody able to answer if using latest as version is sufficient for addons to pick up updates?

Much appreciated, thank you!

Hi andig,

I can not tell you how it is supposed to work, but I am running your addon and it was still on version 0.34 until I deinstalled it and installed it again. Seems like it doesn’t work with “latest”. Also nothing was shown about pending updates.

Best Regards,

Feature request: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/44521