Hassio: BASH: SUDO: Command not found (Update wiringPi)

Hello Guys,

I try to update my Conbee II Stick.
According to this Documentation I have to update wiringPi manually, because I am using an Raspberry 4B.

The Documentation of this Instruction is here.
When I try to update this via the SSH Console in Hassio, I receive the Message:

Anyone knows ho to fix that?


Same problem here. Did you find a solution yet?

Hi, unfortunately not.

My workaround was to unplug the Stick and update it manuelly while connected to a Computer.

But please!

Make a Backup before and look at this thread.

The Conbee disonnects every 10 seconds or so, if you dont disable this while updating your firmware is corrupted.
But the mentioned thread has the solution so no problem.

With kind regards