HassIO crashing randomly - access Hass.IO logs?


I’ve been getting random crashes and also random slowdown issues.

I reported this issue here, but the thread starter there solved his own issue, which was DNS related.

My crashing issue still persists, however, so new thread.
Seems that the whole Pi has locked up today again, which is most frustrating.
When this happens, from within my network, I am unable to connect by IP (UI or SSH) and I have to pull the power from the Pi.

I’m trying to find how I can access the Hass.IO logs and try to find out what is happening, and if there are others experiencing this?

I’d really appreciate if someone can maybe help out with how I can troubleshoot?
What should I look for on a Hass.IO / ResinOS environment?

The random freezing, and ssh rebooting is getting too much.

I can ssh to the HA container, and reboot using hassio supervisor reboot.

did you get this sorted? i’m seeing random lockups on hass.io too.

i can ssh into the container, get to see the login banner, but when i issue a ‘ls’ or hassio help it just ‘hangs’.
hass frontend is unreachable at the same time.

the documentation page says this:

# Logs from the supervisor service on the Host OS
journalctl -f -u resin-supervisor.service

# Hass.io supervisor logs
docker logs hassio_supervisor

# Home Assistant logs
docker logs homeassistant

but the second command (docker logs hassio_supervisor) give an error:
Error response from daemon: No such container: hassio_supervisor

what command give the supervisor logs? is this docker logs resin_supervisor?

I’m having the same issue. Second day now that the Pi is crashing. SSH and UI is both not accesible just starting to investigate and will try to keep this topic updated. Anyone having similar issues?

Update: Seems that my PI3 recovered after some time. I saved the logfile and could see a lot errors related to Spotify and a Geizhals sensor that I have set up. I deactivated both to see if the problem persists but I have the feeling it might be a problem with the resinOS since I can’t even establish a ping during the times HA ge’s stuck. Also I updated from host OS 1.0 to 1.1 two days ago. Maybe this is the root cause. Will keep you posted.

I’m having the same issue since the upgrade to 0.54. Trying to get some logs now.

Strange…for me it seems fixed with 0.54 but I only observed two days now. I will wait on additional week and the turn spotify and the geizhals sensor back on again to see if the problem appears again then.

After a reboot, the issue seems to have gone. Been 2 days now.

Home Assistant restarted last night for me. Not sure why, and not sure where to look for log files.

Since moving to hass.io I have each night around midnight high cpu. Normaly only for about 5 minutes but after a couple of days it stays there till reboot and my z-wave devices dosn’t work till then.


I had regular crashing too and have decided to revert back to Rasbian until the stability issues are sorted out.

Hi Argosy,

Thanks for the graph! I noticed the same during the last two nights again. There is a point during the night when HASS.IO is simply not reachable via the UI and my automations aren’t working either. I wasn’t able to investigate the exact starting point but I can tell that in the Morning everything seems fine again. Will try to dig deeper into this but I won’t be able to do it within the next two weeks.

I’m seeing this behaviour also.
See this CPU graph

Is there a method to preserve the home-assistant.log between restarts?
The restart occurred spontaneous…

Now it’s truncated and for me not possible to read back if there were any warning etc.

I haven’t found anything relevant since the Update 0.55 seems to have solved the issue for me.

I´m reviving this thread. Same behaviour for me. I have a quite extensive hardware-setup of lots of KNX light, motion sensors, thermostats etc + zigbee, mediaplayer, other integrations etc. But my hassio keeps krashing 1-2 times a day. Sometimes with exactly the same processor graph provided by @koen01Oct

I have disabled all components (even discovery) one at a time and re-installed hassio from rpi3 to powerful intel NUC. Still same regulary crash/restart behaviour. It may be the knx-component that causes the unstable behaviour. I really use KNX for everything in my house , so I dont like to disable KNX. Any tips on futher tracing the error?

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I have been experiencing this exact issue recently. It restarts randomly. The log is cleared on restart, so I can’t tell what causes the restarts.

Did you get this solved. I have not sorted it out. Thinking of leaving hassio due to this. :frowning:

My issue ended up being an automation I had which would restart the Node-Red add-on regularly. This was causing HA to crash every now and then. I’ve since removed this automation and my HA instance has been pretty stable.

Ok thanks. Sadly I dont use node red.
I suspect mine beeing the xknx-component not being stable with hass.io.
I will try to investigate further

Any way to not clear logs after reboot? I have same problem and can’t understand why it happened…