HASSIO dead. SD malfunction or RPI problem?

Hi all,

some week ago i had to recovery the SD installation on my RPI due to a sudden lack of current.
When re-started the RPI doesn’t respond at all, so i recovered the config files and re-installed HASSIO and everything started to work again.
Now i have the same problem again but there were no black-out.
I have to replace the SD with a new one since it is no more reliable? It has some years now (8GB class 10)
Or the problem could be in the RPI Hardware?

Thanks in advance for any help


SD card
Fails more often than many know

or the power supply… That and the SD-Card account for 99% of RPi issues…

Yeah…poor quality PS may attribute to failed SD

The PS of my RPI is working from more than a year, anyway since it’s cheap i’ll replace it together with the microSD.
Thanks for the advice

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