previously i run a rasbian on a raspberry pi 3 b and home assistant from virtual enviroment, all installed on a external usb hd. The HD is a PiDrive of WD, this:
Now I have a new raspberry pi 3 b +, and I run hassio from sd card. Can I use a PiDrive instead of sd card???
Not necessarily. It’s just HassOS won’t boot from a USB stick so you need something like Raspbian booting off USB and then a Docker install and then as a generic Linux install instead of using HassOS which is provided here out-of-the-box with Hassio images.
Dear DavidFW1960,
I made the docker installation as your suggestion. Now hassio is running without sd on my raspberry on the external 250GB hd. That’s great. All seems work, apart Grafana. I restore the previous setting but Grafana can reach the InfluxDB database, and give me this error: Network Error: Bad Gateway(502)
But all the configuration is the same… I don’t understand why this happen, can you help me?