Hassio NUC Q&A, tutorials

Hello to all
i had PI3b+ and had big problems migrating to debian or ubuntu so i flashed the NUC image and it works.
the aim of this thread is to help others and learn together. i will post solutions and make questions. on the 1st post i will add the Q&A comming from the discussion for easy usage by the community

ATTENTION: i am not developer or expert… the goal here is to extract questions from the forum and organize them in one topic only

Q1 - How to install image on the NUC ?
Step 1 - Dowload NUC image from Here
Step 2 - Copy the NUC image to a USB
Step 3 - Follow this Tutorial - credits to @peteStothers
command example: ```gunzip -c /media/sdc1/hassos_intel-nuc-2.5.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sda bs=4M conv=fsync```
Step 4 - after command prompt reboot
Step 5 - Hassio is up and running on ip:8123

my question number 1 for the community
After installing samba i can acess to some folders but not the whole drive. how is it possible to acess full drive?

You don’t access that over Samba nor should you even have the ability to do so.


Thanks. How can I setup sh on it?

You setup SSH on the host OS just like the documentation tells you…

Using an ssh add-on only gets you into a ssh docker container…and not the root of the host OS

I would like to be able to access the disk in case of corruption

You shouldn’t have gone with HassOS and Hassio then. You should have done Ubuntu or Debian and Hassio. You won’t have much control with HassOS.

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This doesn’t even make sense. You’re not running on a pi, so corruption is unlikely.

I think you should take a step back and figure out what you want. You’ve been all over the place this weekend

So, for all practical intents and purposes, these instructions and the NUC image is good for any AMD64 platform (e.g. HP thin client) right?