Hello to all
i had PI3b+ and had big problems migrating to debian or ubuntu so i flashed the NUC image and it works.
the aim of this thread is to help others and learn together. i will post solutions and make questions. on the 1st post i will add the Q&A comming from the discussion for easy usage by the community
ATTENTION: i am not developer or expert… the goal here is to extract questions from the forum and organize them in one topic only
Q1 - How to install image on the NUC ?
Step 1 - Dowload NUC image from Here
Step 2 - Copy the NUC image to a USB
Step 3 - Follow this Tutorial - credits to @peteStothers command example: ```gunzip -c /media/sdc1/hassos_intel-nuc-2.5.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sda bs=4M conv=fsync```
Step 4 - after command prompt reboot
Step 5 - Hassio is up and running on ip:8123
my question number 1 for the community
After installing samba i can acess to some folders but not the whole drive. how is it possible to acess full drive?