I’m currently running home assistant on a Pi3 (using pip/venv), but after also installing homebridge and snips i’m starting to think i’m expecting too much of the Pi. I’d like to move home assistant to an existing coreOS installation that i’ve got, but i’m having a hard time finding just the container i need. I can’t use hassio_install 'cause it wants to make a bunch of changes to coreos. Has anyone gone down this path? Can anyone direct me toward an answer?
If you’ve already got coreos running, then don’t bother trying to set up hassio. Use Docker directly instead. It will be much easier to manage and integrate into your current Docker setup.
The container you’ll need is https://hub.docker.com/r/homeassistant/home-assistant/ (x86). There is a documentation entry (you might find this useful) on installing hass with Docker here.
EDIT: If you also want to run homebridge on the same host, here’s an image that seems ok: https://github.com/oznu/docker-homebridge/blob/master/README.md
And then for other services you’d be able to use separate containers, just like in hassio (well, technically, this is the concept behind Docker in general).
So i’m starting the container with
docker run -d --name="hass" -v /srv/hass-config/homeassistant:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --net=bridge -p 8123:8123 homeassistant/home-assistant
but i get no response when hitting the coreos ip on port 8123, what am i missing?
Try replacing --net=bridge
with --net=host
, and maybe remove the port bind (-p)
same result. From ‘docker logs hass’ it looks like HA is starting ok, but i get ‘unable to connect’ in the browser.
Do you have another service running on port 8123 on coreos?
No, the container starts fine, no complaints of any conflicting resources
I just opened a shell in the container and confirmed that python is not listening on 8123, apparently it doesn’t like something in my config.
Make sure you don’t have hassio:
in your config since hassio doesn’t work on regular home assistant
This is the same config i’m using with the homeassistant package installed in a venv using pip on a raspberry pi. there’s nothing concerning hassio in the config.
Looking at the log file, i think i’m just going to abandon this effort anyway. The container would need a bunch of packages installed for things like pianobar, bluetooth, picotts, and apparently i’ll have to manage a separate mqtt container too. plus i haven’t had much luck with usb passthrough so i’m still not sure i can get zwave going even if everything else falls into place.
I have zero issues running my setup on Docker, but I run Alpine as my host, not coreos. Zwave works perfectly, and running multiple containers is easy.
Start the container without your config first (with the same Docker run command). This way it can generate everything on its own, so then you’ll be able to merge those files with your existing config. If that doesn’t help, then i don’t know.