Would it be possible to run motioneyeos on another raspberry pi, and still be able to view the cameras in hassio, that is running on another raspberry?
I’m trying to keep it separate due to potential performance issues
Yep, I do this for my motioneye camera on the Pi
- platform: mjpeg
name: Garage Door
username: !secret username
password: !secret doorpass
authentication: basic
Do you know how to get a camera that is connected through the usb port on a Motioneye pi, to show in the lovelace UI on a hassio pi?
also, does your setup randomly stop working until you reboot the camera?
I am not sure what you mean. If the usb camera is in motioneye, then you can display it in lovelace.
Open motioneye and get the stream url and put it in the configuration as I did above.
In lovelace I use a picture card.
I havn’t had it stop working but also I am not using MotioneyeOS, I am just using Raspbian Stretch with motioneye installed. My Pi also opens and closes my garage door so MotioneyeOS wouldn’t work for me.
- camera_image: camera.garage_door
camera_view: live
entities: []
type: picture-glance