Hassio theme problems

Hello everyone!

My Hassio has rolled back to default theme only on the Hassio Tab. Anyone experiencing this?

I had my browser’s cache clean and had tested with many other devices, all experiencing the same problematic behavior.

Can anyone help me?


I have the same on all my themes. Hass.io is only tab that has this as far as I can see;
Was looking if someon solved this but couldn’t find a post.
I keep searching if you would find it please post it here.

I’m missing something. I don’t understand how I can fix it.

Sorry, New here and tought I could just fix it in the theme files or so and didn’t see I just can wait for a fix.
Thanks for the help. Will stop asking and wait for the fix in silence.:sunglasses:

No it is still a problem with the theme not being applied to the HASSIO section. It will get fixed in one of the updates I am sure.

It’s broken for me also, only in the HassIO section. What makes you say that it’s going to get fixed, has it been mentioned in discord/github?

I am thinking it is something to do with the version updates so I am going to wait before tinkering with it. I don’t want to mess with it if it will be fixed.

I’m not so sure that it is going to get fixed is this issue has been known for over a year, but I’d love to be wrong however.

It only started from me on about 0.91.0 version. Before that it worked fine.

Ah I see. Mine used to work also but stopped working after hassio supervisor updated itself automatically.