HassOS + Wlan


I am trying to do a new install of HassOS with flashing the image to the SD Card. But now I want to configure WLAN before booting up as I don’t want to use a LAN connection.

What exactly do I have to do? I read about attaching a USB stick with some files and a specific folder structure… Is this really necessary? I do then always have to have the USB stick connected or only for the initial installation?

Thanks for your help.

I have not done it myself, but read it on another tread.

  1. Save the file with WLAN information to a USB-stick.
  2. Update your SD-card with HassOS.
  3. Start your RPI.
  4. Then attach the USB-stick.
  5. Within Hassio (Menu: Hassio->System), you find a button saying “Import form USB”. Use this to read the file on the USB-stick.
  6. Remove afterwords the USB-stick.

Did it work?


The USB drive is only used to pass the configuration to the host. Then you remove it.

It didn’t work for me with the import after a non w-lan install. but it worked fine with a usb stick and the file plugged in during a fresh install. Thanks for your help anyways.