Having hard time following how to exposed without giving control

Hi there! back in the days (lol 6months ago or so I’m not sure) I had the template “exposed_entities” in my ai prompt and it seemed to be working. Altho now it seems like it is not. But when I give the control permission it’s all there BUT!!!

When I give control, the assistant seems to lose it’s conversational abilities.

Let me give you an example. You can skip the script, it’s not vital

alias: Annonce
  - action: calendar.get_events
    metadata: {}
      start_date_time: "{{ now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') }}"
      end_date_time: "{{ today_at().strftime('%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') }}"
        - calendar.famille
    response_variable: events_response
  - metadata: {}
      text: >-
        Régige un message qui sera entendu dans les enceintes de la maison: {{
        message }}

        Time: {{ now().strftime("%A %B %d %H:%M %p") }}  Calendrier des
        prochains évènements si cela est pertinent selon le message. {{
        events_response }}
      language: fr-CA
      agent_id: conversation.anthropic
    response_variable: agent
    action: conversation.process
  - wait_template: "{{ agent is defined }}"
    continue_on_timeout: true
  - if:
      - condition: template
        value_template: "{{ agent.response.response_type == \"action_done\" }}"
      - metadata: {}
            - tts.home_assistant_cloud
          cache: false
          media_player_entity_id: media_player.ma_house
          message: "{{ agent.response.speech.plain.speech }}"
        action: tts.speak
        enabled: true
      - metadata: {}
            - tts.home_assistant_cloud
          cache: true
          media_player_entity_id: media_player.ma_kitchen
          message: >-
            Il y a eu une petite erreur avec les super pouvoirs de la maison.
            Papa, ton travail n'est pas encore terminé mais sache qu'on t'aime
        action: tts.speak
        enabled: true
description: Annonce un message dans la maison
icon: mdi:bullhorn-variant-outline
        multiple: false
    name: Message
    description: L'information à annoncer dans la maison
    required: true
    default: >-
      Écris une annonce propice dans la maison tenant compte l'heure actuelle, 
      notre routine et tu peux y ajouter tous éléments qui mérite notre
      attention dans la maison tel que si nous avons des items qui vont bientôt
      manquer de batterie.

The last part is the best, let me translate it to you:

Write a notice suitable for the house considering the current time,
our routine, and you can add any elements that deserve our
attention in the house, such as if we have items that are
running low on battery.

But instead of receiving a nice message that would be the answer… all I get is a reply that he send a message to the house wich is not what I want at all…

I don’t know if I make sense here… hopefully someone will get me.

TLTR : All I want is his message that I will play in the speaker of the house and give him access to my entities.