I think I might be doing something wrong, or misunderstanding how the process works. This is the process I do… which obviously isn’t correct:
Install plugin like “Lovelace animated weather card”. However, after installing the plugin, I see the message, " Not loaded This plugin is not added to your Lovelace resources."… so, I have to manually click on the “ADD TO LOVELACE” button. I thought this part should be automatic? Anyway… I then…
Add the below lines to my
- url: /hacsfiles/weather-card/weather-card.js
type: module
- Restart HASSIO
- Add the below card to the Lovelace GUI:
type: custom:weather-card
entity: weather.yourweatherentity
current: true
details: false
forecast: true
However, instead of seeing the card, I get the message:
Entity not available: weather.yourweatherentity
When I went to check, sure enough, there is no entity called anything close to that. I tried restarting HASSIO… however, it makes no difference.
What am I doing wrong? This is the second card I’ve installed that it’s been like pulling teeth to get it to work. I thought the whole point of HACS is not to have to fuss with manually forcing things to work.
EDIT: If I change the entity to weather.home, at least I get animated icons now… but it look like its just the builtin weather entity with the newer animated icons.