Having trouble with keeping a reliable connection to switches

I have the Philips Hue dimmer light switches… which has a handy LED that flashes red or green depending on whether the signal was received or not.

Both of the switches I have, have occasional issues with connecting to the Conbee II Zigbee adapter I bought for my Raspberry Pi 3b, which HA runs on.

I tried installing a USB Extension cable, with minimal or possibly zero improvement.

I dont think the Raspberry Pi 3b has a USB 3.0 port… as I also heard you want to have it plugged into a 2.0 port.

Still, the buttons are quite unreliable.
These buttons aren’t even that far from the Conbee II antenna! One of them, is literally within human armspan. House is made of drywall and wood.

I heard someone recommend checking to ensure that my Zigbee channels don’t overlap any Wifi network channels… but I have no idea how to do that.

Any recommendations?