Hdmi-cec android

not sure where to put this but I need to find out is there any way to use an android device with HDMI as a hdmi-cec connection for HA?

A bit vague…

What kind of Android device?
To do what with HDMI-CEC?

sorry about that.

basically I have an android box on my tv that does support hdmi-cec on some level as it can control the tv power and volume and source. and basically i want to be able to use it to interface with the tv like you would a RPI running HA rather than having to add a RPI to the tv as well so that i can control the TV source and all using HA

Likely the Andoid TV integration will allow you to that, assuming HDMI-CEC is actually working as you want it on the box itself, without HA in the picture. HA cannot “augment” the capacity of the box.

welp i have HA talking to the Android box so where would I begone to figure out if cec is working how i want?