Heater behaves strange


I have the following ESPHOME code.

  - platform: gpio
    name: "Heater"
    id: heater
    pin: GPIO5
    restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
    inverted: false

  - platform: ntc
    name: temperature
      - above: 55.0
          - switch.turn_off: heater
      - below: 40.0
          - switch.turn_on: heater
    sensor: resistance_sensor
      - 1kOhm -> 25°C
      - 3.572kOhm -> -5°C
      - 157Ohm -> 80°C

When the NTC goes below the 40 it should turn on the heater. When above the 55 it should turn off the heater. This works correctly for days and suddenly the heater is not turned on anymore. The NTC still gaves the correct values and is dropping below the 40 but for some reason the below: action does not work anymore untitl I reset the wemos or I put the switch on manually and then the sequence is working correct again. It drive me nuts.

Any suggestions to fix this? Or do this differently. This switching happens a few times in 5 minutes. Maybe a stack overflow or so???

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