I wanted to introduce myself to you guys and request a little bit of guidance. I’m brand new to Home assistant. I was introduced to HA online when looking at the smart things hub. Someone said if you really want ultimate connectivity buy a Pi and install HA. I was under the impression there would be a learning curve. Most things i’ve read online assured me id pick it up quickly. That hasn’t been my experience. I’m completely lost and have found that the documentation available isn’t basic enough for my experience level. I have managed to:
- add some components
- use samba addon w/ lets encrypt (took me 2 hours to figure out how to connect
- set up configurator
So i was hoping to reach out to some of the more experienced members in the community and see if there is an online class or tutorials that start with bare bone basics of yaml in relation to HA. Or some suggestions on where i should start. I’m most certainly not trying to conquer the world; just want to do some basic automatons and set up alexa connectivity. I’m sure i’ll want to do more as i gain experience. Any assistance would be most appreciated. Thank you for your time