Help change zigbee channel ZHA

Goodmorning everyone,

i wanted to change zigbee channel in my ZHA but i don’t understand how to do it.

In the configurator.yaml file I wrote:

channel: 11”

but it seems that nothing has changed, and then I don’t know how to view the channel in use.

I also read that:

channel: 11”

it does not work if the zigbee network is already configured.

how can i change the channel?
Thank you

If you have access to Linux machine, you can run this command-

  1. Disable/delete ZHA integration (make sure HA is not accesing your Zigbee Coordinator)
  2. sudo bellows -d socket://IP:8888 backup > backup.txt (if you are using ZBBridge/other IP based coordinator)
    sudo bellows -d /dev/ttyUSBX backup > backup.txt (if you are running USB based coordinator - make sure you write the correct USB path)
  3. Open backup.txt and change radiochannel=X (X to the channel that you want)
  4. sudo bellows -d socket://IP:8888 restore --force --backup-file backup.txt (if you are using ZBBridge/other IP based coordinator)
    sudo bellows -d /dev/ttyUSBX restore --force --backup-file backup.txt (if you are running USB based coordinator)

Note: the above method only works for EZSP coordinator.

Lastly, this article may be worth reading before you decide the channel number-

My coordinator is a cc2530, does this work with it?
i have a raspberry + home hassistant

Sorry, it appears yours is not EZSP based. The method I posted previously won’t work.

Zigbee network channel 15 is used by default by ZHA but the Zigbee network channel can be changed for devices not yet paired via channel mask in YAML like you done, however note that changing Zigbee network channel for already added devices requires repairing all already devices paired to ZHA. That is, you can not change channel of the devices on-the-fly.