With some frequency, I notice that my automation to turn on or off a light at a scheduled point in time doesn’t work.
Today, for example, 2 out of 3 automations to turn on switches at sundown didn’t work. One of them did work. They are all exactly of the same form, and all worked yesterday and will probably all work tomorrow.
The Logbook shows that all three automations have been “triggered” at the correct times.
The z-wave log, however, only has entries for the specific node for which the automation did work. The other nodes do not show any entries.
So what could be the slippage point between the Logbook which says the automation is triggered, and the failure to be any action in the z-wave log?
This is the text of the automation which worked:
- alias: Turn on back porch lights at sundown
platform: sun
event: sunset
service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.back_porch_switch_9_0
and this is the text of one of the two that didn’t:
- alias: Turn on front porch lights at sundown
platform: sun
event: sunset
service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.front_porch_switch_6_0
(as you can see, they are basically the same thing. So why does one work and one does not?)
Any ideas how to further track this problem down? Is there any more verbose log for HA that I can look at?