Help making mochad to work correctly

Hi, I’m trying to setup mochad in Home assistant to control some lights and switches. I´m using a dockerized version. I’ve manage to kind of make it working but I get this message from the log:

“Setup of platform mochad is taking longer than 60 seconds. Startup will proceed without waiting any longer”

In my experience, the entities star to appear after 2 - 3 hours and then I can control the lights and switches but it´s not ideal to wait that long for them to work.

here my config file:
host: localhost
port: 1099


  • platform: mochad
    • address: c5


  • platform: mochad
    • address: c1
      comm_type: pl
      name: ‘Luz Cuarto de J’
      brightness_levels: 32
    • address: a1
      comm_type: pl
      name: ‘Luz Cuarto de B’
      brightness_levels: 32
    • address: b6
      comm_type: pl
      name: ‘Luz Cuarto de M’
      brightness_levels: 32
    • address: e1
      comm_type: pl
      name: ‘Luz lámparas sala’
      brightness_levels: 32
    • address: b1
      comm_type: pl
      name: ‘Luz Lámpara Pasillo sala’
      brightness_levels: 32
    • address: d1
      comm_type: pl
      name: ‘Luz Entrada’
      brightness_levels: 32

What I’m trying to resolve is the long times I have to wait to mochad to work every time I have to restart Home Assistant to load some changes.

Pd: mochad works fine using nc localhost 1099 in console

We are not running docker and Mochad is still always the last thing to load giving the Setup of platform mochad is taking longer than 60 seconds BUT it doesn’t take 2-3 hours each time. Initially it took quite a while for all of the switches and lights to be recognized but after that it is just really slow loading. We do have weird problems with it every once in a while. Mochad is loaded and running but all of the devices are dead. So I’ve added an automation that checks one device and if it’s not found I stop and start Mochad. I don’t know if this will help you or not but I’ll post the automation yamal.

alias: Mochad switches do not have value
description: use have value template to check
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /15
condition: []
  - if:
      - condition: template
        value_template: "{{ has_value('switch.living_room_led_left') }}"
    then: []
      - service: hassio.addon_stop
          addon: 185c312f_mochad
      - delay:
          hours: 0
          minutes: 0
          seconds: 30
          milliseconds: 0
      - service: hassio.addon_start
          addon: 185c312f_mochad
mode: single