I am not very good at this and I am smashing my head to figure out which quote to use in all these cases. As you can see, I start and end with a single quote, but the random template starts and ends with double quotes in each random answer… Now inside these answers there are attributes I have to split. I used single quotes but didnt work either…
Thank you a lot for the suggestion but the result is this:
yak {{da1}}. yakyak {{da0}}.
It doesnt return the attribute. Just the set variable.
I played with your template but couldnt figure out what is wrong.
This seems like a better approach than mine and also cleaner.
Worked perfeclty! Thank you for that and your time solving this puzzle for me!
Got some questions if you dont mind.
What is the purpose of >-
I used > only because I saw it somewhere, but never understood how it works. I got lost in the documentation, so I couldnt figure it out.