Help on automation inside EspHome code

I am building an automated trash can (lid) using EspHome. I am using an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and a servo. I have everything working except that I want to have the automation of opening the lid inside EspHome. Esphome devices sometimes loose connectivity and this really doesn’t need to depend on internet connection to work or not. I want to open the lid for 5 seconds when the ultrasonic sensor senses a distance below 50 cm. After that, I want to close the lid. Below the code. It opens the lid when the distance is below 50 cm but it does not close the lid. I can manually control the servo using HA.

  - id: activate_lid
      - logger.log: "Script exeduted"
      - servo.write:
          id: ${devicename}_servo
          level: -100%
      - lambda: 'id(servo_value).publish_state(-100);'
      - logger.log: "Servo at -100"

      - delay: 5s
      - logger.log: "passed delay"
      - servo.write:
          id: ${devicename}_servo
          level: 100%
      - lambda: 'id(servo_value).publish_state(100);'
      - logger.log: "Servo at 100"
      - servo.detach: ${devicename}_servo  

      - logger.log: "Servo detached"

  - platform: template
    name: "${devicename_friendly} Servo Value"
    id: servo_value
    update_interval: 500ms

  - platform: ultrasonic
    id: ultrasonic_sensor5
    trigger_pin: GPIO12 #D6
    echo_pin: GPIO04 #D2
    name: ${devicename_friendly} Distance
    update_interval: 1s
      filter_out: nan
    timeout: 9m
        - below: 0.5
            - if:
                    script.is_running: activate_lid 
                  - script.execute: activate_lid

Thanks in advance for your help

Show us your log, from startup with the lid activating.

Hi Nick.

Actually the problem was not my code but the servo. I tried another servo and everything works fine. For some reason the other servo gets stuck. The strange behavior is that using HA and an input_number/slider, I could control the first servo without a problem. :confused:
Thanks for your interest in helping!

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