I’m quite new on home assistant , but I begin to have a good installation :
- Ha running on docker,
- MariaDB on docker
-zigbee2mqtt and mosquito on docker - nodered on docker
My issue is I’m in a house where I start energy renovation. that will be a big work and lot of money so it could take years. In that point I set the recorder to have a purge data of 10 years. Cause I would like to see the evolution of this work.
But if I keep all data for 10 years, it will be really a big database.
I would like to filter but it’s really a pain to do it entity by entity in the configuration yaml. so I have some question where I don’t found answer.
1°) Is there is a possibility to have 2 section with entity keeping for 1 year, and an other keeping for 10 ?? it seem than all entity have to be on the same configuration ?
2°) Is there a possibility to exclude or include all entity from a device ( to avoir to have 10 entry in the file for just one device)
3°) Is there a way to include or exclude an entity directly from the UI (like in jeedom for exemple) cause it’s really a pain to have to search each sensor name , come back in the file and add it )
4°) and generally do you have any advice that could help me on that point
thx in advance