Help on ZigBee / Aqara / Reach (New User)

Help with Zigbee and USB coordinator

Hi all,
I’ve been in the field of Smarthome for a long time and have from HomeMatic, over Netatmo, Alexa, Eve, Hue, Nuki, Instar, Ring, Aqara etc. always stuck with Homekit and Homebridge (Alexa only as music in the office and digital picture frame, camera display).
At some point I have then dealt with ioBroker (German support forum), but found this not intuitive and also the Visuallisierung brought some problems with itself… (my personal opinion).

Finally I installed HA on a NUC 1 week ago and since then I am working on the implementation of my components in HA.
This has worked very well so far - and also my wife is very happy with the unified user interface :slight_smile: Happy wife…

So I am still a complete beginner in the HA area :slight_smile:

However, I now have a question that may somewhat set the future direction for me (and need a little help with it):
I use some Aqara products and due to the poor ZigBee range also several hubs (M1S 2, M2, E1 and G3 camera - all with their own Zigbee network and assigned devices/sensors. Basement/ground floor/upper floor/garage. I can’t get a connection into the garage via “repeater” - wifi and lan is available).

1.) Which USB coordinator should I use (Sonoff CC2652P + CP2102(N) or Conbee 2)

  1. Can I add a second coordinator via lan (garage) - same manufacturer?

2.) The Aquara sensors (temperature and sockets) I could then integrate via this coordinator, but what about the hubs?
a.) The M1S 2 is connected in the basement and I would like to use the siren, because on the HUB water sensors (heating) and window contacts are installed, for which I would like to use the siren of the hub as a message alarm.
b.) The G3 is as a hub in the upper floor, here I would like to use of course the camera further.
c.) Can I integrate the hubs so that they become repeaters?

3.) Will Matter change something again, so that I should wait with the Aqara integration (ordered the SkyConnect USB - but the delivery is in February at the earliest)

Thanks in advance for your help