Help setting up geotracking with high accuracy

Hello guys, just started on the home assistent thing.
Basically I made an automation that when I want to go home with a motorcycle, both gates open upon arrival. It’s working, but due to the refresh rate of my location, majority of the times, it takes like 2/3 minutes for the automation to kick in.
Could someone help me to resolve this problem? I don’t know how to properly use the high accuracy mode.
I guess the perfect case for me would be “whenever I turn the automation on (I’ll do that when I’m heading home) the high accuracy will turn on”. The rest of the automation I think it’s working fine.

For now, it looks like this:
alias: Geotrack portoes
description: “”

  • device_id: 87616d7986530ab4af56102ba14a6c0e
    domain: device_tracker
    entity_id: d047382f4fb98d908c849cb926309a95
    type: enters
    trigger: device
    zone: zone.home
  • type: is_not_open
    condition: device
    device_id: e3b249e03308ddb31608be5fc17500f7
    entity_id: 13d491fbe1d7e823c6d7e1f0bfc9cef0
    domain: binary_sensor
  • action: switch.turn_on
    metadata: {}
    data: {}
    entity_id: switch.portoes
  • sequence:
    • delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 10
    • action: automation.turn_off
      metadata: {}
      stop_actions: true
      entity_id: automation.geotrack_portoes
      mode: single

You’ll want to put an iBeacon on the gate, and configure the beacon in your location tracking.

This is an option in the HA app. Are you on Android or IOS?

Here is my automation that works perfectly. I have it set to only work if my phone is connected to my car or motorbike helmet bluetooth.

alias: Garage Door - Open when Dave gets home
description: by vehicle only
mode: single
  - entity_id:
      - sensor.home_dave_distance
    below: 40
    trigger: numeric_state
  - condition: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.paradox_z3_garage_door
    state: "off"
  - condition: or
      - condition: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ "00:01:95:1F:B1:CF (Sena SMH10 v5.0.1)" in
          "connected_paired_devices") }}
      - condition: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ "10:63:C8:0C:38:18 (XAV-AX8000)" in
          "connected_paired_devices") }}
      - condition: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.dave_s_s22_android_auto
        state: "on"
  - metadata: {}
    data: {}
      entity_id: cover.garage_door
    action: cover.open_cover

This is absolutely NOT required.

I’m an android user. So you always have your phone in high accuracy mode? Doesn’t it drain a lot of battery?

Thank you for your replies

No, in the HA app settings I have it set to automatically turn on high accuracy mode when my phone is connected to one of those particular Bluetooth devices, then once I disconnect it turns high accuracy back off. I generally have my phone on charge whilst in my car or on my motorbike so it’s not an issue for battery.

Try a second zone and an automation to enable high accuracy mode when you enter that zone - so a separate automation.
So the second zone could be two or three miles away from home. That will give your phone enough time to switch and start reporting its location to HA ready to do any arriving home automations.

Humm. Do you know how to set it up to turn on when I enable my automation? And then, when I disable the automation it goes back to disable.

Thank you

My beacons work just fine, I leave my phone in major move mode and when I’m within range of the beacon the phone sees it in 3 seconds. Simple. I’m adding more beacons - as they also work well inside.

That’s a nice idea. But for me, it might be simpler to integrate the high accuracy on when I activate my “going home” automation.

Anyone knows the code to activate the high accuracy mode in the yaml? I tried: High Accuracy Mode: enable/disable bit without any success.

Major problem for me, is that my idea is to arrive home and the gate is already open. Bike is quite loud and coming from work around 2am, I want to keep the noise for the neighbours as short as possible.

Sorry the the delayed reply. It’s in the docs: