Help to work out errors using Check Home Assistant configuration add on

Been using this addon for a while now after finding it as the result of an upgrade that locked me out. Snapshot restored and issues resolved.

Now I check before each update. There has only ever been a couple of errors and reading through the breaking changes I have managed to fix the issues.

Just run the check for the update from 0.91.4 to 0.92.0 and I have a lot of error and even reading through the breaking changes can seem to see what the issue is.
Noting it still give the no errors mesage when checking against 0.91.4

It even look like the log may not be showing everything.

Before I start commenting out blocks of yaml and slowly putting back to find the issues.

  1. Is a copy of the log saved anywhere? So I can see if the display is compleate.

  2. Can anyone look at the log below and give me a pointer.

 - data: [source /tmp/config/scripts.yaml:113]
                activity: 30874467
              entity_id: remote.lounge
              service: remote.turn_on
        watch_tv: [source /tmp/config/scripts.yaml:80]
          sequence: [source /tmp/config/scripts.yaml:81]
            - data: [source /tmp/config/scripts.yaml:84]
                activity: 30785533
              entity_id: remote.lounge
              service: remote.turn_on
      speedtestdotnet: ?
      sun: ?
      switch: [source /tmp/config/configuration.yaml:597]
        - platform: mqtt
          command_topic: cmnd/caravaninput/POWER
          name: Caravan Input
          payload_off: OFF
          payload_on: ON
          qos: 1
          retain: True
          state_topic: stat/caravaninput/POWER
        - platform: mqtt
          command_topic: cmnd/stairrail/POWER1
          name: Stair Button 1
          payload_off: OFF
          payload_on: ON
          qos: 1
          retain: True
          state_topic: stat/stairrail/POWER1
        - platform: mqtt
          command_topic: cmnd/stairrail/POWER2
          name: Stair Button 2
          payload_off: OFF
          payload_on: ON
          qos: 1
          retain: True
          state_topic: stat/stairrail/POWER2
        - platform: mqtt
          command_topic: cmnd/caravandehumidifier/POWER
          name: Caravan Dehumidifyer
          payload_off: OFF
          payload_on: ON
          qos: 1
          retain: True
          state_topic: stat/caravandehumidifier/POWER
        - platform: mqtt
          command_topic: cmnd/Garage/POWER2
          name: Door Bell
          payload_off: OFF
          payload_on: ON
          qos: 1
          retain: True
          state_topic: stat/Garage/POWER2
        - platform: broadlink
          friendly_name: Conservatory Remote
          mac: 78:0F:77:D8:F1:4B
          switches: [source /tmp/config/configuration.yaml:652]
            conservatory_fan_hi: [source /tmp/config/configuration.yaml:661]
              command_on: JgBiACkOKQ8OKQ4qDSoNKw0qDioOKQ4qDygq6ysNKg4OKQ4pDykOKRAoDygPKQ4pDykq6ysNKg4OKQ4pDykOKRAoDygQKA8oECgr6isNKwwQKA8oECgPKBAoDygQKA8oECgrAA0FAAAAAAAA
              friendly_name: Conservatory Fan Hi
            conservatory_fan_low: [source /tmp/config/configuration.yaml:669]
              command_on: JgCSACwMKw0PKA8oECgrDBAoDygQKA8oLAwr6iwMKwwQKA8oECgrDBAoDygQKA8oLAwr6SwNKwwQJxAoECcsDBAnECgQJxAoKw0r6isNKwwQJxAoECcsDA8oECgQJxAoKwws6isMLAwPKBAoDygsDA8oECgPKBAoKwws6SwMKw0PKBAnECgrDQ8oECcQKBAnLAwrAA0FAAAAAAAA
              friendly_name: Conservatory Fan Low
            conservatory_fan_med: [source /tmp/config/configuration.yaml:665]
              friendly_name: Conservatory Fan Med
            conservatory_light: [source /tmp/config/configuration.yaml:657]
              friendly_name: Conservatory Light
            conservatory_tv_power: [source /tmp/config/configuration.yaml:653]
              command_off: JgAaABweOR4bHhwdHB4dHRw6HhsdHR0dOTocAA0FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=
              command_on: JgAcAB0dHB44HhweGx4cHR06HB0cHhwdHB8bHhwADQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=
              friendly_name: Conservatory Tv
          timeout: 15
        - platform: broadlink
          friendly_name: Bedroom Remote
          mac: 78:0F:77:D9:0D:B9
          switches: [source /tmp/config/configuration.yaml:682]
            bedroom_tv_power: [source /tmp/config/configuration.yaml:683]
              command_off: JgAaABweOR4bHhwdHB4dHRw6HhsdHR0dOTocAA0FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=
              command_on: JgAcAB0dHB44HhweGx4cHR06HB0cHhwdHB8bHhwADQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=
              friendly_name: Bedroom Tv
          timeout: 15
      timer: [source /tmp/config/configuration.yaml:438]
        alarm_entry_delay: [source /tmp/config/configuration.yaml:443]
          duration: 00:02:00
          name: Entry Delay
        alarm_exit_delay: [source /tmp/config/configuration.yaml:439]
          duration: 00:05:00
          name: Exit Delay
      updater: ?

Successful config (partial)

I had a similar error log before upgrading, i.e., stopping at tts. Are you using Google tts? If so, I think that it’s a result of Google tts being renamed to google_translate in 0.92. See tts

I commented out the whole of the tts: section in configuration.yaml and restarted Check Home Assistant Configuration again. No errors that time.

After upgrading, I changed the tts: section as follows:

  - platform: google_translate


Just tried what you said and no errors.

Updating as I write this.

Think I was just blinded by the number of different errors that were caused by just a simple change.

Many thanks.

Glad it worked for you.