Help, windows has killed my home assistant

After a recent windows update suddenly I cant access http://hassio.local:8123 anymore, very frustrating I was just getting the hang of it!

I can access the overview and some other parts by typing in the ip address directly (I can even control my switches), but even then I cant open the configurator and other add-ons.
Running the most recent version of hassio(141) on a raspberry pi3b+.

Tried everything I can google at this stage any insight would be greatly appreciated…

So I gave up on my old hassio instance got me a brand new sd card for my pi, started from scratch (goodbye forever configuration.yaml file and automations that that I laboured so hard over :frowning: ) but what the hey.
Well that seemed to work, I was up and running again. Then while trying to set up port forwarding, hassio again turned its back on me and walked away. Tried everything I could find on community, even factory reset my router, still nothing from the ip or the local, why? why? WHY?
This page isn’t working, hassio.local didn’t send any data, ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE
Thats cold hassio… thats cold

If anyone asks I’ll be down the pub


I’ve had similar issues with chrome on windows but with my router not HassIO. Try using a different browser is all I can say that worked for me. Also try going to the IP address of the pi :8123 instead of trying to use the hostname. You could also use an app like Fing to see what your Pi’s IP is and if port 8123 is open.


Thanks LavaGlass, appreciate your comments. Alas, the problem is browser independent, ip:8123 is equally unresponsive and my network map shows the pi to be alive and well as does Fing, with 8123 open.