Help with 3d floorplan- alarm and thermostat


I am fairly new to home assistant. I followed a few tutorials and YT videos that have helped me with setting up the lights and my garage door.However, I cannot find any information for the alarm panel and thermostat. Similar to the lights, I would like to click on the icon (representing a wall panel) and be able to pull up an action:more info style of popup that’ll display the mushroom alarm panel card. Similar to that, I would also like to do the same with the thermostat. Below is the yaml code used for the garage door. If anyone can maybe help with changes to the yaml code to make these 2 functions work, I would appreciate it!

type: picture-elements
image: /local/3d/Base1.png
panel: true

  • type: image
    entity: cover.smart_garage_door_1909189407430490801948e1e95219f0_garage
    left: 50%
    top: 50%
    width: 100%
    mix-blend-mode: lighten
    filter: >-
    ${ “hue-rotate(” +
    : 0) + “deg)”}
    opacity: >-
    === ‘open’ ?
    / 255) : 1} # When closed, opacity is 1 (fully visible)
    open: /local/3d/gym%20garage.png
    closed: /local/3d/Base1.png
    action: none
  • type: state-icon
    entity: cover.smart_garage_door_1909189407430490801948e1e95219f0_garage
    left: 10%
    top: “-%”
    opacity: 100
    tap_action: null