Hello, I’m new to the home assistant and don’t have much technology experience, I bought a home assistant green and just plugged it in. We have all tp-link hs210 about 18 of them and 5 cameras 410s and a few smart plugs. The only only thing that I can get HA to find is 2 of the switches and 3 plugs. It says unexpected error every time I try to search, they all work from the tp link app fine. I was able to get all of my outside ring cameras to work. Just not all the switches and interior cameras. I also have Honeywell smart thermostats that when I put my password in, it won’t connect to HA either. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.
My first recommendation would be to NOT use the Kasa app and/or integration but to use Tapo instead - both are TP-Link.
Except for four rather old HS100/110 plugs I managed to remove them from the Kasa app and then add them to the Tapo app - the plugs and switches are all still in the sam place, but they are way more reliably available.
Second recommendation is to assign fixed IP addresses in your router.