Help with anti frost for Covers -automation

Hi there,

I have a problem creating a automation.

When the temperature gets below 2 degrees, and the Cover is lower than 80% (so the value is >80 until 100), the cover has to move to 80%.
So it can not freeze against the windowsill.

So this is my code (which does nothing):

alias: Frostschutz Rollos
description: ""
  - trigger: numeric_state
      - sensor.wetterstation_temperatur2
      - sensor.kwl_aussentemperatur
    below: 2
conditions: []
  - if:
      - condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: cover.eg_garderobe_rollo
        attribute: current_position
        above: 80
      - action: cover.set_cover_position
        metadata: {}
          position: 80
          entity_id: cover.eg_garderobe_rollo
  - if:
      - condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: cover.og_schlafzimmer_rollo
        attribute: current_position
        above: 80
      - action: cover.set_cover_position
        metadata: {}
          position: 80
          entity_id: cover.og_schlafzimmer_rollo
mode: single

What did I make wrong?


Is the current outside temperature below 2 degrees?

Was it below 2 degrees before you created the automation?

The automation’s Numeric State Trigger is designed to trigger when the temperature decreases from a value above 2 degrees to a value below 2 degrees. In other words, it triggers when the temperature crosses the threshold of 2 degrees.

Ouh yes - that must be the fault.

So the clear text AND the Automation was wrong. It has to be:

When the temperature gets below 2 degrees and the Cover is between 80-100%, it should Lift to 80%.
If the Cover gets between 80-100% and the Temperature is below 2 degrees, it should Lift to 80%.

So that it is not important, which event starts First.