Hi, I’d like a Shortcut to announce typed text via my Alexa Media notification service. It works in the Developer tools UI in HA but I don’t know how to format the “data” field within Apple Shortcuts. I know from the documentation that there’s a Dictionary way of doing things, but what do I do when there’s indented formatting?
How do I get this:
message: The fridge door has been left open
type: tts
into the Shortcut app
I tried a YAML to JSON converters to get this:
"data": {
"message": "The fridge door has been left open",
"data": {
"type": "announce"
but when I paste that into the field in Shortcuts app, I get “The operation took too long to complete, please try again” in the app, OR it looks like it successfully concludes but doesn’t actually do anything.
Please help, thanks!