Hi, I have a pre-flashed CC2531 integrated via zigbee2mqtt and a bunch of zigbee switches and sensors (Xiaomi Button Gen 1, Gen 2, Tradfri switch/dimmer and Aqara Human sensor.
I can get them to control stuff with single click but not anything else. The fact there are two ways to connect (proprietary gateways) and as of HA 0.101 two languages (json and yaml) makes things rather confusing.
I see my switches as sensors (not as binary_sensors as seen in many tutorials for these devices).
How can I make things repond to, say, doubleclicking the Gen 2 button? I do see this in zigbee2mqtt log:
I can see the doubleclick and even hold/release are being detected. I tried automations with States, Events and MQTT but the syntax is confusing. I am unable to assign anything else than single click.
Any tips? Thanks!
Edit: I have figured it out. Single and double click is a “click” Event but Hold is an Action event. Action events work via MQTT triggers.