Hi all!
I have been using HA for a long time ago with a lot of sensors and switches, and now i would like to add in HA the climate automation for my home.
My home climate setup for heating is:
- one gas bolier (Saunier Duval ISOFAST F35: https://www.saunierduval.es/para-el-profesional/productos/isofast-condens-35-5696.html) for heat all hot water radiators.
- one or more radiator for each room
I would like to configure from ha multiples temperatures for each room, so:
- If I want heat in radiators I need turn on gas boilerso i will use one zwave switch (like Fibaro FIBEFGS-223)
- For control each radiator i will use: Danfoss DAN_LC-13 valve (link) in each radiator, also i need to group valves in places where i have more than one radiator for each room, how can i do that?
- This Danfoss valve also should give me the temperature so i will use this valve as sensors.
- should i use the generic_thermostat component?
I can’t find in this forum similar setups, so i need help about how to configure all this, thanks for your support!