Help with climate setup

Hi all!

I have been using HA for a long time ago with a lot of sensors and switches, and now i would like to add in HA the climate automation for my home.

My home climate setup for heating is:

I would like to configure from ha multiples temperatures for each room, so:

  • If I want heat in radiators I need turn on gas boilerso i will use one zwave switch (like Fibaro FIBEFGS-223)
  • For control each radiator i will use: Danfoss DAN_LC-13 valve (link) in each radiator, also i need to group valves in places where i have more than one radiator for each room, how can i do that?
  • This Danfoss valve also should give me the temperature so i will use this valve as sensors.
  • should i use the generic_thermostat component?

I can’t find in this forum similar setups, so i need help about how to configure all this, thanks for your support!

Grab the BULL by the horns and go for it

once you have it pair into HA with a USB Stick What every Z-wave knows will tell HA
I see there a Z-Wave Climate IN HA I would be using that one

Im thinking down the line
each room would have its own Z-wave Climate control then with some automation you can get them working in groups

hope this help
put the Heat on you LOL

Hi jgon,

Did you succeed with this setup?
I have a Saunier Duval F25, and I’m wondering what should I buy in order to make it communicate with the Zwave valves on each radiator.

Let me know if you have any clue.


Hi @nelse,

I have not made the deployment yet, i will try to find more information about who to do it and new devices this week.

I’ll share this here.