Help with configuration.yaml -->command line (curl command)

hi all

i have a question about the command line curl thing in the configuration.yaml

i have a board that i can acces with a url now have i found some instruxtions on internet and gemini to make a yaml , but it dasnt work yet
to have a good point to search i want to know if the configuration yaml command line bit it ok its pasted below

   - platform: command_line
         unique_id: netrelay2
         #name: netrelay2
         command_on: "/usr/bin/curl -X GET http://admin:[email protected]/relay.cgi?aida1on=on"
         command_off: "/usr/bin/curl -X GET http://admin:[email protected]/relay.cgi?aida1off=off"
   - platform: command_line
         unique_id: netrelay2
         #name: netrelay2
         command_on: "/usr/bin/curl -X GET http://admin:[email protected]/relay.cgi?aida2on=on"
         command_off: "/usr/bin/curl -X GET http://admin:[email protected]/relay.cgi?saida2off=off"

Your unique ids are not unique.

Ohh yes that was a little mistake , but the rest is ok?

No idea. Does it work after fixing that?

I didn’t look further when I saw that.

Please go test and let us know.