I had hassio running on a rpi3 which was working fine with my lights and duckdns (i was able to access it from outside my network and everything was working fine) However after messing with the config and then restarting my device, i could no longer reach the frontend (and the homebridge addon had stopped working as it showed it wasn’t responding on my phone). I couldn’t get back onto the frontend so i decided to start again, so after a fresh install of hassio, i started again. Everything was running fine except the duckdns addon - which i haven’t managed to get working since the fresh install. If I have
api_password: "xxxxxx"
base_url: https://xxxxxxx.org:8123
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
in my config, the hassio frontend wouldn’t startup, whereas if I just had
api_password: "xxxxxx"
the frontend would load, and i could control my devices through alexa and siri
The problem was that I couldn’t get the duck dns addon working, I tried while the config only had the http password, and it said that the domain challenge was invalid each time, and I couldn’t try while the config was how it should be as the frontend didn’t load.
I have just tried changing the duckdns addon to start on boot and had the config with the base_url, ssl certificate and key and restarted the device. However now I can no longer reach the frontend even if I remove everything but the api_password from the http config.
My DuckDNS Addon config is:
"lets_encrypt": {
"accept_terms": true
"token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"domains": ["xxxxxx.duckdns.org"],
"seconds": 300
I am not sure if there is any way that
a) I can get the hassio server back up so that I can reach the frontend and use it with alexa and siri
b) setup DuckDNS so I can use it outside my local network
I am running headless and I don’t have the SSH addon installed.
Any help would be appreciated