i have recently set up a riolink camera and frigate using this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upXyBVMR4RM&ab_channel=HassAssistant
i have managed to complete it but unfortunately when i enable the microphone no sound is projected from the camera i also lowered the volume in the config as it blasted out the speaker whenever i tried to listen through the camera i am not sure if the volume levels are linked?
when looking on the frigate integration i have noticed the audio quality coming from the camera sounds far better on the mse tab then the webrtc so im wondering if its possible to use that audio somehow ,although i still dont know how to get the mic working so anyone can hear my voice from outside
edit i think i have somehow gotten mse audio (at least it feels like it sounds better anyway so im not going to question it) just need to get the mic actually emitting from the camera