Help with Google Home Notify

I am trying to use the google home notify node but get the following error -

request to failed, reason: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN

If i try to install either of the google tranlate nodes i get another error (cant post in this topic as it contains links.

Any help would be appreciated please

2019-08-01T05:58:20.403Z npm install --no-audit --no-update-notifier --save --save-prefix="~" --production [email protected]
2019-08-01T05:58:30.000Z [err] npm
2019-08-01T05:58:30.001Z [err]
2019-08-01T05:58:30.002Z [err] ERR!
2019-08-01T05:58:30.002Z [err] code EAI_AGAIN
2019-08-01T05:58:30.003Z [err] npm
2019-08-01T05:58:30.004Z [err] ERR!
2019-08-01T05:58:30.004Z [err] errno EAI_AGAIN
2019-08-01T05:58:30.010Z [err] npm
2019-08-01T05:58:30.010Z [err] ERR!
2019-08-01T05:58:30.011Z [err] request to failed, reason:

reason: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN
2019-08-01T05:58:30.046Z [err]
2019-08-01T05:58:30.046Z [err] npm
2019-08-01T05:58:30.046Z [err] ERR!
2019-08-01T05:58:30.046Z [err] A complete log of this run can be found in:
2019-08-01T05:58:30.046Z [err] npm
2019-08-01T05:58:30.047Z [err] ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2019-08-01T05_58_30_018Z-debug.log
2019-08-01T05:58:30.071Z rc=1