Help with hassio install

Someone please help. I cannot get hassio up and running. It was working fine for 6+ months, then I updated and it wouldn’t boot. I have reinstalled it at least 10 times. It gets to the initial config setup and works fine as long as I never reboot. If I do it boots up and gets stuck at “press any key to abort startup: 0” then stays stuck at the prompt “HassOS>”. I have tried downloading the image again, a different SD card, a different RPI3, and using a different imaging program. Its doing it with the default config. Anybody have an idea of whats wrong?

That seems normal. What are you expecting?

To boot up so I can get to the web ui? Or was that not apparent. Anyway I think I figured it out. I’m pretty sure it has to do with the boot to usb option. I had that set on the rpi’s I was using.

Sorry it sounds like you were using the pi’s hdmi output.
You ‘are’ using the Web interface via or whatever aren’t you ?

Remember first boot takes a long time as it needs to search, download, install and configure the latest updates

you have to login to the base system and show us the logs.As @Mutt said ,this might be a network issue as hassos failed to download required software package or docker images.Detailed logs would help to address the problem.

If it’s sitting at the HassOS prompt…it’s booted up?

On the first boot it would download updates and get to the first login screen. So that part worked. The problem comes up when restarting the raspberry pi. It would seem to hang at the HassOS> prompt and never boot back up. I couldn’t ping it or reach the webui. It had a static ip. I ended up getting a raspberry pi 4 on the way home from work because I wanted one anyway. It worked just fine and its up and running again. This all started after I updated to 0.97 or 0.98. The upgrade seemed to hang and then it just dropped off the network. It worked fine for at least 6+ months before that. So I don’t know, but it works on the new one. Thanks for the reply.

Yeah, it would get to the initial configuration. I hooked it up to a monitor to try to figure out why it wouldn’t come up after a reboot. I couldn’t get to the webui or ping it. I just gave up and bought an rpi 4. It works so I don’t think it was something I was doing wrong. I tried both my rpi 3’s and neither one would boot after a restart. So I don’t know.