Help with iframe and OPEN WEB UI

I am a newbie in home assistant. I already did at least 5 or 6 fresh starts because at some point, I do not know how to proceed.
Anyway, I finally managed to install duckdns and it seems to be working, but now I can not configure iframe (already read a lot about it) and, worse, I can not access the configuration files with WEB UI either.
Could someone give me a little help please?

Nobody? a little help? Please

This might be a similar discussion as one I saw on reddit.

So, you have duck dns set up, you have the proper ports forwarded (?), and you can see the main HA interface, but the iframes just don’t work?

If so, it’s probably down to the URL the iframes are pointed at.

If your iframes section currently looks like this

    title: Node-Red
    icon: mdi:sitemap
    url: http://192.168.1.XXX:1880. 

You’ll need to add HTTPS as well as change the IP to your domain, so it should look something like this:

    title: Node-Red
    icon: mdi:sitemap

Or maybe I’m misunderstanding you?

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Thanks for your help. I solved it, it was a port configuration problem.