Help with instalation

I have being using Domoticz, with a lot of Z-wave products for over the last 2 years. Because I want more functionality I am moving to Home Assistant. For this i bought a new PI3+ and have flashed a card + an USB stick for wifi.

Almost sure that I did everything right what is written in the manual. Waited for a long time but nothing is happening. When i connect a monitor i only get a black screen. I was wondering if this is normal? I have changed the Domoticz card to the new PI3+ and that is running perfectly.

Really wondering what I am doing wrong?

Have you tried connecting on port 8123?

Hassio (on hassos) runs headless

I wil try the different port tonight.
What means ‘headless’ that you cannot see anything by connecting a monitor to the PI?

Headless means you can’t see anything meaningful when watching a monitor.

What different port? 8123 is the port home assistant runs on. Follow the instructions.

Thanks for the help. I was strugling with the PI and put on my NUC with a docker. Install worked well.